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Nuclear energy in a sentence

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Sentence count:78Posted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: atomic energySimilar words: nuclearenergyclergysynergyenergeticenergizeclearclearlyMeaning: n. the energy released by a nuclear reaction. 
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61. Less than six months ago, the head of China's nuclear energy program was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes and abusing his authority.
62. Accidents occur in all fields; why not in nuclear energy production?
63. And NASA solar panels task before choose different, Mars science laboratory on the surface of Mars travel, will make more productive use of nuclear energy.
64. Negotiators pledged that North Korea could have a nuclear energy program for civil electricity generation by meeting strict internationally sanctioned safeguards.
65. One of those major differences, Hill said, is North Korea's desire to maintain a civilian nuclear energy program and to build light water reactors.
66. Enemies of nuclear energy will be emboldened to pressurise other governments, including our own, to follow the German lead.
67. Although nuclear energy power generation compared to coal-burning generating cost low 1/10, but the degree of hazard is big, the request condition is limited.
68. Some closer year come, branch of DOE nuclear energy cuts fund ceaselessly.
68. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
69. Both sides should reach into a long-term plan on petroleum and natural gas cooperation. More efforts could also be made on the cooperation of nuclear energy.
70. The researchers also point out a flaw in the nuclear energy argument.
71. Negotiators pledged that North Korea could have a nuclear energy program for civil electric generation by meeting internationally sanctioned safeguards.
72. With the development of nuclear energy production, rare-earth element industry and use ofradioactive sources, potential possibility of radiation contamination exits.
73. I know what you're thinking, but we know nuclear energy is safe.
74. Erepamo Osaisai, Director General of the Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC), has said there is "no going back" on Nigeria's nuclear energy project after Fukushima.
75. Article 2. The members of this treaty persistently hold that it is our peoples' un- deprivable rights in Asia to use nuclear energy for peaceful purpose.
76. His name came up whenever the matter of nuclear energy was discussed.
77. "The risks from nuclear energy remain unchanged; there were always risks, " said Stephen Tindale, a British environmentalist.
78. At present, America visualizes the nuclear energy as its core part, while other energy produced by sun, wind, biomass, geothermic and ocean are all in a procession.
More similar words: nuclearenergyclergysynergyenergeticenergizeclearclearlyclear outclear upunclearclear offclearingclear awaykeep clear ofcleancleaveclean uprenewrenegeserenescenerygenericgenerallearngenerateenervategenerousgardenergenerally
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